Puerto Rico Mission Trip June 5-16 or 9-16 (See below)*
Why Puerto Rico? Puerto Rico has been hit hard by many challenges over that last 5 years. These challenges have created needs that we can help meet, while also sharing the good new of Jesus. Check out the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ogA-b0VBc0&t=21s
About Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the US, which allows us an international trip feel without some of the challenges associated with international travel.
- Language – Spanish, English à “Spanglish”
- Population – Approximately 3.2 million
- Economy: Has a strong economy.
- Manufacturing, especially pharmaceuticals, textiles, and electronics
- Tourism is a large contributor as well.
- Health & Nutrition:
- Strong health system on the Island; Same standards as here in Ohio.
- Religion:
- 7% claim to be Catholic/Christian
- 1% considered Protestant.
- 2% considered “other” religious beliefs.
Dates & Leadership: The dates for the full trip will be from Tuesday, June 5, through Sunday, June 16th. Understanding the challenges that can come from a trip of this length (vacation time, late school dismissals, etc.) we are offering a partial trip option, that will run June 9-16. This will give those who are able the opportunity on the full trip to help with final preparations before camp starts, while those who aren’t able to still be able to serve for the full week of camp.
The training and fundraising will be coordinated by the Youth Ministry Team. The trip will be led by our Youth Ministry Team. We are still looking to add adult chaperones to the team. Interested adults can apply online at www.oneeightyone.org beginning Wednesday, February 14th.
Ministry Opportunities: We are partnering with Daniel and Laura Peal, Youth for Christ Puerto Rico missionaries (www.youthforchristpr.org). Projects include:
- Preparing to help host a Day Camp like what we have done here the last 3 summers. Helping prep and run the logistics of a day camp (June 10-14), for students ages 12-18. We will be targeting three specific government housing complexes that are just a few minutes’ drive from the YFC campus.
- Work Projects: Helping with cleaning, yard work, and final preparations and set up for camp
- Helping with the logistics of the day-to-day of camp: serving meals, set up and teardown for activities, and clean up.
- We are also heading up Security and Nursing
Accommodations: We will be staying at the YFC property, which includes:
- Cots and bunks in facilities with AC!
- Bathrooms with hot showers
- Meals will be provided by via the newly completed kitchen*!
- Passports: Are NOT required. But a valid ID is and can be obtained from the Ohio BMV for $10. Check out https://www.bmv.ohio.gov/dl-id-card.aspx for more details. If interested in getting a passport, applications are available at http://travel.state.gov/passport. (If your passport expires within 6 months of our trip departure it must be renewed, if you plan to use it as your ID.)
- Approximately $2100 for the full trip (5th – 16th) and $1800 for the partial trip (9th – 16th). (still working on finalizing air travel details to secure the best deals.)
- Fundraising will be required.
- A $100 deposit is due by the first training to secure your spot.
- We are limited to a team of 25.
Application & Trainings:
- Students who will have completed grade 8 or higher are eligible to apply.
- Applications are due Wednesday, March 6, 2024
- The Youth Ministry Team will then review all applications and build the team.
- Required trainings are on the following Sundays, in the Youth Center, from 12:30-2:30 pm:
- March 17
- April 20 Pasta Dinner set-up
- April 21 Pasta Dinner
- April 28
- May 19
- June 2 (if needed)
Application Process:
- Those interested in participating must complete the application linked below.
- The deadline for applications is Wednesday, March 6, 2024.
- The Student Ministry Team will review all applications and approve the team.
- A deposit of $100 is due at the first training to secure a spot on the trip.