IMPACT Canceled and Upcoming Events
IMPACT night has been canceled for tonight, 1/30! Stay home and stay warm!
But while you’re home remember these upcoming events:
- Tomorrow, January 31st, is the last day to registrar and pay in order to lock in the earlier bird pricing for the winter retreat of $105. It goes up to $119 on Feb. 1st. Click HERE for info or to registrar and pay. If cost is a concern for you or your friend(s) please contact Matt Vince ASAP via his email
- Saturday, Feb 2nd 7 pm-10 pm is our rescheduled Jr. High tobogganing (weather permitting). You can get the info and registrar HERE!
- Sunday, Feb. 3rd at 6 pm is our Big Game Day Party here at PHBC. Ladies, be sure to bring a snack or desert, guys bring a two liter of pop to share. You can get more info and registrar HERE. Don’t forget to invite your friends!
- Finally, we’re still looking for assistance with some service opportunities: This Friday we’re looking for any one who is able to help move a senior member from our community. This is an outstanding opportunity to show God’s love. We’re meeting here at the church at 6 pm and will work until we’re done or 9 pm, which ever comes first. Second is the Night to Shine service opportunity. You can find more info HERE, as well as links to the page to sign up!
Any questions can be directed to Matt Vince at the above email.
Hope everyone stays warm and safe! We’ll see you soon!
Tobogganing CANCELED
For the Jr. High Students who were planning on Tobogganing tonight, we have CANCELED due to the weather.
We are planning to reschedule for Saturday, Feb. 2nd, 7pm-10pm (weather permitting)!
Stay home, safe and warm!
New Year, New Studies!
Happy New Year!
2019 holds many exciting thing for our 181 Student ministries; Our annul winter retreat, out reach events, Summer mission trips, a backpacking trip, and much, much more!
With the new year, we will be starting new studies during our Sunday mornings together.
For our Jr. High we will be launching a 12 week study into the book of James. Each week we’ll spend time looking at a section of the book as we wrestle with what it means to be a true disciple of Christ in our every day lives. Each lesson has a short video that highlights some of the key principles in the passage that we are covering. We’ll then spend time in our small groups talking about what we read and what was discussed in the video, looking to apply the principles to our lives personally. Check out the Trailer!
For our Sr. High students, we will work through the book of Philippians and dig into what it means to really have the mindset of “To live is Christ, to die is gain.” I will will follow a similar format, watching a teaching video by Matt Chandler then breaking up into small groups to discuss the lesson and our application of the principles. This is a deeper study than we’ve done before, but I am confident that it will be encouraging and challenging for our students.
There is a study guide that accompanies this study, and it is only $5 (Checks can be made out to Parma Height Baptist Church). Here is the trailer.
This will be a great time of growing together as we grow in our understanding and relationship with Christ!
Happy Thanksgiving!
From the 181 student ministries team, we want to wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving!
By way of some quick reminders:
1) Because of Thanksgiving, we are NOT having Youth Group tonight. Enjoy your time with your family!
2) Today is the LAST day to register for Reverb. You can get the details, register, and pay HERE before 11pm!
3) November 28th we will be having our Big Game themed game night 6pm-8:30pm!
4) Mark your calendar for out Student Ministry Christmas Party which will be on Wednesday, Dec. 19th 6pm-9pm! Cost is $10 for ice skating.
See you on the 28th!
Last Chance to lock in the discounted price!

Today is the last chance to lock in the discounted rate of $48 for Reverb before the price goes up. In order to lock in the discounted rate you must register AND pay TODAY!
Payments can be made online or you can bring your payment to youth group tonight (checks should be made out to Parma Heights Baptist Church).
Tomorrow the price goes up to $53 per person. Let your friends know too! You can click HERE for more information as well as to register and pay.
Reverb Registration Is OPEN!

Checkout this lineup of events and activities:
- Locations include: Quicken Loans Arena, Bolwing Alley, and CSU Recration Center
- Cleveland Monster’s hockey game at the Q
- Youth Rally – with tons of games, contests, prizes, giveaways, and a chance to get down on the ice
- High impact youth speaker
- All you can eat pizza and pop
- Unlimited bowling
- More games, contests, prizes, and giveaways
- Inflatables
- Dodgeball tournament
- Volleyball tournament
- Soccer tournament
- Gaga ball
- Archery tag
- Nine square in the air
- And much, much more!
- Click HERE for more info and to register!