Service Opportunities!
Our OneEightyOne Ministries have numerous ways that students can get involved and connected! Here are a some of the ongoing opportunities:
- Worship Arts Team – If you:
- Sing
- Play an instrument
- Interested in Audio/Visual
- Sing
Applications are available by clicking HERE or, talk to Cameron Smith
- Connections Team – If you:
- Like making new friends
- Miss friends when they’re away
- Want to see our ministries grow
- Like making new friends
Talk to Maddy Shaffer about these opportunities!

- Services Team – If you:
- Have strong creativity
- Are a good planner
- Like to make thing happen
- Have strong creativity
Talk to Katie Buncher about help here!
- Promotions Team – If you:
- Get excited about upcoming events
- Like writing or photography
- Enjoy posting to social media
- Get excited about upcoming events
See Arin Justice for way you can help!
If you have any questions about all they ways you can serve, in addition to those above, you can also ask Grace Mitchell or Matt Vince!
2018 Fall Calendar and Updated Permission Form
Do you like to know what is coming or do you prefer to be pleasantly surprised?
Whether you like to have a plan or go with the flow, I have good news, our OneEightyOne 2018 Fall/Winter Calendar is now available!
Check it out to see what we have planned for the fall and early winter for our Student ministry by visiting our Events & Calendar Page. Also on the page you’ll see a link for our updated Medical Release and Permission Form which is a requirement for ALL students who wish to attend ANY youth group function!
The calendar is subject to change, but this at least gives our planners a great place to start!
We will also have printed copies of both the calendar and the Permission form for those who will be joining us at our Kickoff Cook out.
See you out there!
School Year Kickoff Cookout On 8/26 @5:30pm!

Parents and students (grades 7-12) are invited to join us for an evening of food, fun, and games to help kick off the 2018-2019 ministry year. This will be a relaxing evening with a chance to meet other students and parents and get an overview of our upcoming year.
We’re meeting in the Cross of Hope Pavilion on Sunday, August 26th, from 5:30-8:00pm. Dinner’s main course is provided, we’re simply asking that you bring a side or dessert to share.
To RSVP simply click HERE, and fill out the form by Thursday, August 23rd, 2018.
Beach Day – August 1st 10am-4pm!

Students in grades 7-12 are invited to join us for a day at Mentor Headlands on Wednesday, August 1, from 10 am-4 pm. We’ll travel by church vehicles from the church. Everyone should bring a modest swimsuit, beach towel, sunblock, street cloths (to change into/out of before/after swimming) and your friends. We’ll enjoy swimming, games, and a cookout!
Be sure to register HERE to help make sure we’ve got enough seats and food!
Washington DC Day 5
Today was a powerful day of commitments for our students. We spent significant time processing our experiences this week, with the goal of making several commitments for the coming school year. These commitments included:
- Making time in our daily schedules to connect with God in prayer and Bible reading
- Surround ourselves with Godly influences who will help us live for Christ and proclaim the Gospel
- Share the Gospel regularly, to a specific list of friends and family that we came up with.
Additionally, we spent time strategizing specific ways we can be more Gospel advancing as a youth ministry in the coming year. It was exciting to see our students set God-sized goals with practical steps and built in accountability. Please pray for them as they seek to share Christ boldly in the coming year.
Tomorrow we’re heading back home. But first, we’re going to visit Arlington National Cemetery and enjoy some free time walking around the National Mall.
Just a reminder – pickup is at planned for around 10:30 pm on Saturday, July 28. (We’re targeting a 10:00 pm arrival, with time to unpack and clean the vehicles.) If we’re off from that target significantly (more than 15 minutes) we’ll do our best to notify families in advance.
Washington DC Day 4