2016-09-21 OneEightyOne Update

One of the highlights of my week happens near the beginning of each of our Wednesdays – when we all gather around to worship. These students have amazing energy and passion for Christ. It’s one of those things you have to experience to understand.
I’m excited to share with you the long awaited calendar. The following attachment covers most of the activities from now until the end of the calendar year. As always, more info and signups are available on our website under “Events & Calendar“. Hard copies are available in the Youth Center.
2016-09-07 OneEightyOne Update

Well, a new school year is underway, and I’m more excited than a pack of puppies! I’m trusting God that this is going to be an amazing year of growth for our group and each of our students.
I want to welcome those of you who have recently subscribed to this blog or are checking us out for the first time at the beginning of the school year. This is where you will find weekly updates in several categories:
- What we’ve been studying in the Bible and how you can follow up with your student
- Upcoming events and details
- Notes and thoughts from me, Dan Adams, the Pastor of Student Ministries
2016-07-29 Mission Indy Day 6
Today was another productive and amazing day. Our ministry ran later into the night, so this will be brief.
We were able to complete all of our ministry projects, and several that we didn’t think we’d be able to get to. One special treat – we built a carpetball table from scratch for their teen game room. It’s amazing, and was used tonight.
We had our final night of Elementary Club, with about 60 kids again. 8 kids made a significant spiritual decision today.
We finished our evening with their weekly Teen Club. Student enjoyed food, music, dancing, games, and a gospel presentation. Our group did a great job connecting with the teens.
In the morning we’ll pack up and clean. We’re stopping at a park for lunch, then spending several hours relaxing and exploring at Ohio Caverns.
For those of you picking up students, we plan to be back at our scheduled time. Pickup at the church is still 10:30 pm. Everyone on the team is expected to help unpack and cleanup. If we’re running more than 15 minutes early/late, we’ll do our best to contact you in advance.
2016-07-28 Mission Indy Day 5
Today was a great reminder that we serve in His strength and not our own, as many of our team are starting to get tired. Dependent on Christ is always a great way to serve.
Today we move forward or complete each of the facility projects we we’ve working on. We’re just about done with sorting the clothing pantry. We have just a little bit of touch up painting to do on the shed and the women’s bathroom. We finished painting the main entrance, and we finished painting the parking bumpers and parking space lines. We’ve made significant progress on the carpetball table that we’re building for Kids Inc. We also cleaned numerous ministry rooms in this 48,000 square foot building.
Today at Elementary Club we had over 60 kids. God is so faithful. Another 3 kids made the decision to trust Christ for salvation! God is so faithful.
To thank the team for their amazing work, we went out to dinner at a local restaurant. Finding a place that can adequately handle 40+ people is challenging, but they did a great job. After dinner we gathered for a time of prayer and worship, which our team really embraces and looks forward to.
Finally, we expended the rest of our energy playing several huge games of sardines. It’s been a very full, fun, and rewarding day.