Jr. High Guys Movie Outing!

Sports All-Nighter
2017-11-30 Glow Night

Haiti Day 5
It’s exciting to be a part of long term transformation! There are noticeable differences here in Haiti, even since our first trip 4 years ago. For instance, there is considerably more vegetation. The tress are taller and there’s more ground cover. While that may not seem like a big deal, it is. This country is regularly hit with hurricanes and tropical storms that have washed away their topsoil. This has been complicated by serious deforestation years ago. Haiti is just now beginning to recover. We spent the afternoon planting trees. These trees will provide shade, food, an income, and help reestablish fertile topsoil. It’s happening – we can see the change.
We’re also seeing changed lives. Children are trusting Christ for salvation at VBS. Adults and families are hearing the gospel as we plant trees and install water filters. God is so good.
While our team is tired, they’re doing well, keeping great attitudes. Please continue to pray for us. We need boldness tomorrow as we share the gospel and Christ’s love in very practical ways. We’re very excited – tomorrow is Goat Day.
Haiti Day 4
We’re grateful to God for His provision and protection. Our team is healthy, spirits and unity are high, we’re doing well.
Two nights ago I asked the team, “What do you miss most?” The top two answere were AC (or all things cold) and our families. It has been interesting to see the list grow as the week progresses. There are so many things we often take for granted, but we are gaining a new perspective and apprecation.
The team is doing a great job leading and loving on the kids at VBS, which is what we’re doing for the first half of each day.
We spent the afternoon in the village of Source Matelas installing water filters for a number of families. These families were selected by the local churches because of known needs. We installed the water filters and taught them how to use them. We also spent time with each family getting to know them, sharing about Jesus Christ, and praying for their various needs. It was a powerfull time of showing the love of Christ in a very practical way.
We finished our evening with a celebration service at Church of Hope. It was amazing to sing and dance with hundreds of believers from both North America and Hatia.
Please continue to pray for our team. The heat is a real challenge – it was 105 degrees today.
Tomorrow we will serve in VBS then return to a village to plant another 24 fruit trees.