2013-09-11 OneEightyOne Update


One of the things I love about working with our teens – there’s never a dull moment, we’re always having fun. There were lots of laughs tonight as we played “Bite the Bag.”1240100_506226216121855_199861312_nThis past Sunday our Haiti Mission Team brought a report of all God did in and through us during our summer mission trip. If you missed it, you can listen on line here.
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Sunday School – “Proverbs: During the month of September, we will be taking a survey of practical wisdom found in Proverbs. With practical application in mind, we’ll see how God’s wisdom is the best way to live.

  • Key Passage: Proverbs 14:26-27
  • This week we learned about different types of fear, both good and bad. We also learned about the “fear of the Lord”, and how this critical attitude toward God can lead to a sense of love, forgiveness, and protection.
  • Follow-up Questions:
    1. How does the “fear of the Lord” differ from other types of fear?
    2. How would you describe the “fear of the Lord”?
    3. What are the benefits of having a healthy fear of the Lord?

Break the BankWednesday Youth Group: This year our lessons will revolve around examining the evidence and claims of Jesus Christ, so that we can know and love Him better, follow Him more faithfully, and boldly share Him with our friends. In our first miniseries, “Break the Bank – Christ Offers All”, we will learn how Christ gave up everything for our sake, and that in Him we have everything to gain.

Lesson 2 – “God the Son at Work” We learned about Christ’s preincarnate role and activities as the Son of God and how to trust Him more deeply because of these.

Memory Verse: John 1:2-3

For Follow-Up: to discuss with your teen)

  1. How would you explain Christ’s preincarnate activity to a friend?
  2. Why is it important that we understand Jesus’ preincarnate activities?
  3. In what specific way do you need Jesus to guide you or protect you right now?


Medical Release & Permission Form: With the beginning of each new school year, students must submit a new form to participate in events and activities. You can download and print this from here. Just send it in with your student on Sunday or Wednesday.

2013-2014 Calendar: Here’s our calendar for the year, so that your teen won’t miss out on the engaging events – all designed to help them find and follow Jesus Christ. You can download it here.

Quiet Time Connect: This handy guide was handed out at our School Year Kickoff Cookout two Sundays ago. It has helpful information in leading family devotions and engaging your teen in spiritual conversations.  Enjoy! You can download it here.


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See You At The Pole: Wednesday, September 25, at your school’s flagpole.
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