Welcome back! This evening we resumed IMPACT Night and Youth Group on Wednesday evenings – it was exciting to be back together again. If you’re still looking to see where you might connect, checkout this link for a listing of classes that might IMPACT you, or community outreaches where you can make an IMPACT.
These blog posts are intended to keep you up-to-date on everything happening in our OneEightyOne Student Ministries. Each week you’ll receive important info on upcoming events, pictures and highlights from recent activities, summaries of our lessons, and ways to engage your student in how they’re growing in Christ.
Before you go any further, please subscribe in the “Follow Blog Via Email” link on the right to get this blog automatically emailed to regularly.

- This weeks was an introduction to the book. Look here next week for follow-up discussion questions.
Wednesday Youth Group: This year our lessons will revolve around examining the evidence and claims of Jesus Christ, so that we can know and love Him better, follow Him more faithfully, and boldly share Him with our friends. In our first miniseries, “Break the Bank – Christ Offers All”, we will learn how Christ gave up everything for our sake, and that in Him we have everything to gain.
Lesson 1 – “He Was There All the Time” We learned the importance of the preexistence and eternality of Christ, how this show’s He is God, and how this impacts our salvation and the experience of a new life in Christ.
Memory Verse: John 17:5
For Follow-Up: to discuss with your teen)
- How would you go about explaining to a friend that Christ is eternal?
- How is the eternality of Christ an important truth to you?
- In what specific ways do you need God to make you new?
- Checkout this video with your teen for something amazing in creation about our Creator.
Medical Release & Permission Form: With the beginning of each new school year, students must submit a new form to participate in events and activities. You can download and print this from here. Just send it in with your student on Sunday or Wednesday.
2013-2014 Calendar: Here’s our calendar for the year, so that your teen won’t miss out on the engaging events – all designed to help them find and follow Jesus Christ. You can download it here.
Quiet Time Connect: This handy guide was handed out at our School Year Kickoff Cookout two Sundays ago. It has helpful information in leading family devotions and engaging your teen in spiritual conversations. Enjoy! You can download it here.
Haiti Mission Trip Report: Sunday, September 8, in all 3 services. Join us this Sunday in any of our services, to hear what God did in and through our team in Haiti this summer.
- This is a student-led prayer time – an opportunity for to meet other believers at school and to pray for classmates, teachers, and the upcoming year.
- Since this is student organized – please encourage your teen to participate. Visit www.syatp.com for creative planning ideas and promotion resources.
- Here are posters your teen can use to promote at their school.
- More information is available here.